Saturday, December 24, 2011

Points in Communications Management

Stakeholders Classification Models:
1. Power/Interest Grid (Authority/Concern) .
2. Power/Influence Grid (Authority/Involvement)
3. Influence/Impact Grid (Influence/Ability to effect Planning & Execution)
4. Salience Model - describing classes of stakeholders based on their Power, Urgency and Legitimacy.

1. Champions - Positive Attitude,
2. Neutral -No influence expected,
3. Challenger - Questions the project,
4. Decision Makers - Manage Challengers, Support Champions.

Total No of Comm. Channels or Paths = n(n-1)/2

Factors that can affect the Communication Management Plan:
1. Urgency of the Need for Information.
2. Availability of Technology
3. Expected Project Staffing.
4. Duration of the Project
5. Project Environment.

Communication methods:
► Informal Written: Emails, Memos, etc.
► Formal Written: Contract, Legal Notices, Project Documents, etc.
► Informal Verbal: Meetings, Discussions, Phone Calls, Short Messages, etc.
► Formal Verbal: Speeches, Mass Communication, Presentations, etc.

Report Performance:
It involves collecting and disseminating Project Information, Communicating Progress, Utilization of Resources and Forecasting Future Progress and Status. It reports to the stakeholders how the project is progressing against the plan. Important note in Report Performance is that Performance Reports are actively pushed to stakeholders rather than waiting for them to pull them down.

"90% of the Project Manager's time is spent in communicating"

Project Manager should be in control of Project Communication Management Plan.
Communication on Schedule slippage, Cost overrun, and Other major Project Statuses should be FORMAL and in WRITING.

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